How To

Mobile Midwife has built-in help, however many questions are not specific to a particular area in the app, so we answer them here.

Getting Started
1. Getting Started Tutorial
3. How can a document template be edited or added?
4. How to integrate Mobile Midwife with your Lab company
5. How to order labs from Mobile Midwife
6. How to configure your iPad to automatically update to the latest version of MM
Practice Management
1. How to use the Reminders feature
2. How to use the Messages and Message Template feature
3. How to use the Note Template feature for visit notes
4. How are repeat pregnancies handled?
5. The Calendar Feature and Appointment Reminders
5. How to copy a chart to another Mobile Midwife practice
6. How to add or remove built in fields from a form
Client Portal
1. What does the client portal look like?
2. How clients fill out health history and sign consent forms prior to first visit
3. How to merge two clients together
1. How to send an invoice to the client
2. How to create and send an insurance claim
4. How to charge credit cards and setup payment plans
1. How to use Siri to chart Labor, IPP, Resuscitations and more
1. How to create prenatal visits and more with Artificial Intelligence
2. How can a client be inactivated or deleted?
3. How to chart a hospital transfer
4. How to transfer a client out of your care prenatally
5. How to handle a client coming in for Gyn care that was/is already a client for a pregnancy
6. How do you calculate GTPAL para?
7. How to properly chart a miscarriage
8. How to add templates such as a Ballard Exam

Still have questions? Call us or follow us on    and join our facebook group to read or post questions.

How can a document template be edited or added?
Editing a Template
A document template can be edited by tapping on any document thumbnail under the Templates tab and choosing "Edit Template". This does not allow a templates text to be edited but it does allow the fillable text fields, check boxes, initial or signature boxes to be moved or added anywhere. To edit the text or layout would require a fully licensed copy of Adobe Acrobat Standard or Professional. These licenses are expensive and probably not worth the investment. The recommended approach is to add a new template.

Adding a Template
Create your document in Microsoft Word or some other word processor and then save the document as a PDF file. Then email the PDF to yourself and open that email on your iPad/iPhone, tap on the attachment and choose to open it in Mobile Midwife. Then under the Templates tab press "add template" and choose the document you just sent over. Microsoft Word versions of our consent forms are available under the Files section in our closed Facebook community.

Watch this video on how to create and use Templates!

How to integrate Mobile Midwife with your Lab company
Mobile Midwife EHR integrates with many lab companies including Quest, LabCorp, GenPath, BioReference, CPL, Interpath, RML, MDL, PAML, ACL, PathGroup, Dortivech, Healthscope, ABC Lab and others. To integrate your Mobile Midwife account with your lab company contact us and let us know who you process labs with. If you use Quest Diagnostics then you can simply visit Quest's website here. You will be able to select Mobile Midwife from a list of EHRs and submit your request. If you use LabCorp please go to the Rep Contact Form and request in the comments section to have your LabCorp account integrated with Mobile Midwife EHR by Mobile EHR Inc.

Lab integration shaves hours a week off your work load and improves the data integrity of your records by reducing human error. Never get caught again at a transfer without having your lab records attached to your client record. Once you are integrated with your lab company, lab results will automatically be attached under the appropriate client record as they are completed. Both the discrete values of all the lab observations will be entered under the client's labs tab and the original PDF document will be attached also. Values that are out of range will be highlighted in red and also appear under the Core Information box at the top of every screen.

When lab results are received, an email notification will be sent to you. If a lab could not be matched to an existing client then a warning message will appear on the Mobile Midwife home screen. To assign these unmatched lab results, open a client record and press on the cloud button located at the top of the screen under the Labs tab. A list of unmatched labs will appear with the name of the client, date, and the type of lab order. Touch on the lab to attach it to the current client record you are in.

The following is an example of what the notification looks like that appears when you login to Mobile Midwife and a lab result could not be matched to a client record.
Quest Lab Results

The following is an example of the email that is generated when a lab cannot be matched to a client.
Quest Lab Results

The following is an example of unmatched labs list that appears under the Labs tab when the cloud button is pressed.
Quest Lab Results

After tapping on an item in the list, press "Add to Client" to add it.
Quest Lab Results

How to configure your iPad to automatically update to the latest version of MM
There are three things guaranteed in life - death, taxes and a new MM update every two weeks or less. Instead of having to manually update MM to the latest version you can configure you iPad/iPhone to automatically update to the latest versions as they come out. To do so open the iPad Settings app, scroll down and press on the "iTunes & Appstore" option and then set the "Updates" field to on by sliding it to the green position.

How to use the Reminders feature
The Reminders feature helps you ensure nothing is forgotten with each client record. You can create a list of items that must be marked as completed for each client record. There are also visual queues in the client list that help you see at a glance which charts have an outstanding required reminder.

The Tasks feature is also a powerful tool that can be used for similar purposes. The benefit of the reminders feature is that it is a predefined list of items that must be completed or reviewed for every chart. The Task feature on the other hand is valuable for assigning key tasks to a user in the practice to be completed by a certain date. Please watch our Tasks tutorial for more information.

The following video demonstrates this feature :

Messages and Message Templates
Messages and Message templates will help you communicate with your clients and send emails at specific ages of gestation.

The following video demonstrates this feature :

How to use the Note Template feature for visit notes
Use the Note Template feature to quickly type long notes. This video was created before we added the auto-populate feature that will auto-fill parts of your Note Templates with data in the chart such as the client name, health hx and many other fields.

The following video demonstrates this feature :

How are repeat pregnancies handled?
There are two main approaches to handling repeat clients. First and foremost, the previous pregnancy record should remain signed off (locked) and untouched under the Inactive tab.

The most straight forward approach is to have the client visit your client portal again and fill out all their information from scratch. This approach ensures that the client record has up-to-date information from the client address to their current medications.

The second approach is to open their previous record under the Inactive tab and press the "Copy Client" button located on the same menu as the Email and Print buttons. This feature creates a new client record and copies only the information under the Basic, Past Pregnancies and Health tab in the Client Info section. The new client record will appear under the Primary Care tab since the Pregnancy tab "are you pregnant?" field is not set to Yes. Then the "Send Client Access" button can be pressed to email the client a unique portal link and auto generated password. The client can access the link from any device to enter their current pregnancy information under the Pregnancy tab and update their info under the Basic, Health and Past Pregnancies tab. Alternatively they can utilize your iPad during their first visit to update this information.

You can easily switch between the new record and old record by pressing the paper clip icon on the toolbar. That will show all the client's previous records. Simply tap on any of them to open it.

How to copy a chart to another Mobile Midwife practice
You can copy a chart to another Mobile Midwife practice by following the steps below. This creates a completely separate copy. Any changes the other practice makes to their copy will not effect your version of the chart. They can however copy the chart back to your practice after they make changes. Then you can merge the two charts togeather or just delete your older version and keep their newer one.

There are many reasons to copy a chart to another practice such as if the client transfers care to another midwife permenantly. However if another midwife is just temporarily handling the care of your client it may be more advantageous to add that midwife as a user to your practice. You can make them an "explicit access" user only so that they only have access to view that one client. That can be done by setting their "role" to "contributor" and set this option to Yes - "User can only open clients that they are explicitly provided access to under the 'Other Info' tab of the client record or if they are set as primary".

Steps to copy client :
1. Navigate to the Settings->Account tab
2. Scroll down and press "Open Account Utility"
3. That will launch our web-based utility which you will log into using your normal Mobile Midwife credentials
4. In the action field choose "Copy a client record to another MM practice"
5. Enter the record # of the client you want to copy and the name of the practice you want to copy it to
6. The system will display the address of the MM practice it found and the name of the client associated with the record # you entered
7. Press confirm

What does the client portal look like?
We have an Android, iPhone & iPad and web-based portal. The client portal invitation email encourages your clients to use their smart phone (Android or iPhone) because we have an app on the Apple Appstore and on the Android (Google Play) app store. These apps are much more robust than our web-based client portal because they work even if WiFi goes down or there is a power outage and they also support the Chat feature. The Chat feature lets you clients send you text messages instantly and keep them from distrubing you during your night time hours unless its urgent.

Watch this tutorial below to see exactly what your clients will see when they access the web-based, Android and iPhone client portals.

How clients can fill out health history and sign consent forms prior to first visit
The Mobile Midwife client portal enables your clients to create or login to an existing client record. After creating a Mobile Midwife account, you will receive a client portal email that you can forward to new clients as you get them. The client portal email can also be generated by going under the Settings->Account tab in Mobile Midwife. From there, press on the "email client access URL" button. This will launch the Mail app on your iPad/iPhone with a new email that has the body populated with your unique client portal URL and detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips for your client.

Your client can access the client portal from any Windows, Mac, Android, iPad or iPhone device to fill out their health history. If they access the client portal from an iPad/iPhone or Android device they will also be able to use the Chat feature to communicate with you.

Once your client has completed their record they will click "press here when finished" and a notification email will be sent to you. You can then login to Mobile Midwife on your iPad and view the record. A welcome email will also be sent to you and the client with their user name and password that they can use to log back into their record anytime to make changes.

If a record already exists for the client that you may have created during their interview or first visit you can instead have them fill out their information in that record instead of creating a new one. To do this, open the client record and press on the "Send Client Access" button located on the same menu as the Print/Email buttons. This will send the client an invitation email to login to their existing record to finish filling out the information.

How to merge two clients together
Sometimes you end up with two of the same client with some information in one record and different information in the other record and you want to merge the two. This can happen if you created a client record for them at their first visit and then later they went to your client portal to create a new record. This rarely happens now though because we added the ability for clients to login to an existing record in the client portal. You can press the "Send Client Access" button located on the same menu as the Print and Email buttons to email instructions on how to login to an existing record to a client.

To merge two records first decide which record you want to merge into and which record you want to merge from. It doesn't really matter which direction you go but we typically recommend merging the record that you created into the record that the client created. Once you pick which record you want to merge into, open that record and double tap in the client record number field located in the Basic tab to copy it to the clipboard. Then open the record you are merging from and press the "Merge Client" button located just under the Print and Email buttons. Then double tap in the record number field to paste the record number you previously copied. Choose which categories you wish to merge and press Done. The merge feature does not delete the source record. It is recommended that you simply inactivate the source record instead of deleting it in case there is still data in it that is important which you did not merge over.

How to send an invoice to the client
Sending an invoice to a client can be done easily with our client billing feature. Open any client record and navigate to the Tasks & Billing tab. Open the Billing side tab and then press "add entry" at the top. Press "add charge" and choose the appropriate procedure code(s). If there are any payments, tap on the "payments/adjustments" button, choose "payment type" and enter the payment amount. Then press "send invoice" to generate a professional invoice.

The following video demonstrates this feature :

How to create and send an insurance claim
Mobile Midwife EHR now has the ability to submit professional and institutional claims electronically or by paper to any payer. It is free use the paper billing however there is a fee of $49/month to be able to submit claims electronically. Activate the electronic claims feature in the Settings->Account tab in the Billing section. To add a claim, open any client record and press on the Tasks & Billing->Insurance Claims tab. Then press "add claim" in the upper right corner and choose "add professional claim" unless you are billing for facility usage in which case choose "add institutional claim". The next step is to choose the claim type of Paper or Electronic. Then choose the Payer. The Payer information is pulled from the Financial Information section in the client's intake. Then choose your diagnoses and procedure codes. Then press "Print Claim". You will have the option to print on CMS 1500 special paper or directly onto plain paper.

The following video demonstrates this feature :

How to charge credit cards and setup payment plans
Charge client credit cards and bank accounts using the payment feature in Mobile Midwife. Go to the Settings->Account tab and set "Enable ability to charge client credit cards" to Yes. Then press "Create PaySimple Account" to apply for your PaySimple merchant account. We use PaySimple to handle payment processing. Then you can go to the Billing tab under a client record to create an invoice and charge their credit/debit card. You can also setup a payment plan or setup automatic invoice emails on a periodic basis. Client's can click on the Make Payment link in the emailed invoice to visit the client payment portal and make payments on their own.

The following video demonstrates this feature :

How to use Siri to chart Labor, IPP, Resuscitations and more
Use Siri to record when baby is crowning, APGAR scores and FHTs. Below is a full list of the commands available. You can also see these by pressing the question button on the toolbar of the Labor tab or by opening the shortcuts app on your device.

The following video demonstrates this feature :

Labor Commands
Siri, MM Labor tones (charts fetal heart tones. Siri will ask you what the fetal heart rate is and then create a labor entry)
Siri, MM Labor Membranes (charts SROM but you can change it to AROM)
Siri, MM Labor Crowned (charts the baby crowned with the current time)
Siri, MM Labor Head (charts that baby's head was born with the current time)
Siri, MM Labor Body
Siri, MM Labor First Cry
Siri, MM Labor One Minute APGAR (Siri will ask the APGAR value and then add the APGAR entry)
Siri, MM Labor Five Minute APGAR
Siri, MM Labor Ten Minute APGAR
Siri, MM Labor Placenta (charts the Placenta was delivered with the current time)
Siri, MM Labor Recording Start (begins an Audio recording that will be transcribed to text)

Resuscitation Commands - For the most part these follow the names of the quick buttons located in IPP
Siri, MM Resuscitation Dry and Stimulate
Siri, MM Resuscitation Inflation
Siri, MM Resuscitation PPV Room Air
Siri, MM Resuscitation PPV Oxygen
Siri, MM Resuscitation Pulse Oximeter
Siri, MM Resuscitation Free O2
Siri, MM Resuscitation Chest Compressions Began
Siri, MM Resuscitation Chest Compressions Ended
Siri, MM Resuscitation First Breath
Siri, MM Resuscitation PPV Discontinued
Siri, MM Resuscitation Laryngeal Mask Airway
Siri, MM Resuscitation Intubation
Siri, MM Resuscitation Umbilical Line
Siri, MM Resuscitation Epinephrine
Siri, MM Resuscitation EMS Activated
Siri, MM Resuscitation Other (Siri will then ask for a comment at which point you can say anything to get entered as a comment under the Other entry)

Hemorrhage Commands - For the most part these follow the names of the quick buttons located in IPP
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Pitocin
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Misoprostol
Siri, MM Hemorrhage IV (This charts "Placed IV")
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Lactated Ringer
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Catheterized Bladder
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Placenta Manually Removed
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Trendelenburg
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Oxygen
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Anti-Shock Garment
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Compress
Siri, MM Hemorrhage EMS Activated
Siri, MM Hemorrhage Other (Siri will then ask for a comment at which point you can say anything to get entered as a comment under the Other entry)

How can a client be inactivated or deleted?
To delete a client open their record and press "Client Info" in the lower left corner. Then press the trash icon located in the upper right corner if you wish to delete the client. Press the archive button next to the trash icon to inactivate the client.

How to chart a hospital transfer
To properly chart a transfer during labor, navigate to the Labor & Delivery->XFER tab and enter at a minimum the "time of departure". This is the key field used by your practice statistics and is used to indicate in several places, including the home screen thumbnail, that the client was a transfer. Once baby is delivered, populate the Newborn->outcome and DOB fields. This will place the client record in Postpartum. If the client continues postpartum care with your practice you can continue to add new postpartum visits as you would normally do with a client that you delivered. If the client does not continue care under your practice then you can inactivate the record by pressing the trash icon located under the Client Info tab and choose "Inactivate".

How to transfer a client out of your care prenatally
If you transfer a client out of your care before labor navigate to the Prenatal->XFER tab and populate the "time of transfer" field. This will cause the client to be labeled as a prenatal transfer. This status will be reflected in the practice reports and statistics and also be labeled as "XFER" on the client thumbnail. After populating the XFER tab you can inactivate the client by pressing on the trash icon under the Client Info->Basic tab and choosing "Inactivate". You will still be able to edit or add records under the client's billing tab when the client is inactive. All other data however will be un-editable.

How to handle a client coming in for Gyn care that was already a client for a previous pregnancy
The answer to this situation is the same as the answer for How are repeat pregnancies handled?. The Copy Client feature can be used to copy the old client record. This feature only copies the data under the Basic, Past Pregnancies and Health tab. The new resultant client record will appear under the Primary Care tab. To have the client verify and update their information before their Gyn visit the Send Client Access button can be pressed (located under the Print and Email buttons) to send the client a unique portal link with an auto-generated password. Alternatively, the client can review their information during their first visit.

How do you calculate GTPAL para?
Gravida = number of pregnancies including ectopic and any length of gestation. Multiple fetuses still equal one pregnancy.
Term = number of pregnancies carried to 37 weeks or greater regardless of birth outcome. Multiple fetuses still equal one Term count.
Preterm = number of pregnancies carried to 20 weeks but not as far as 37 weeks regardless of birth outcome. Multiple fetuses still equal one Preterm count.
Abortions = number of pregnancies carried less than 20 weeks regardless of how it terminated. Ectopic pregnancies are excluded. Multiple fetuses still equal one Abortion count.
Living = number of living children regardless of gestation length or delivery method. If the "child still living?" field is set to No under Past Pregnancies then that child will not be included in the Living count.
para = number of pregnancies carried to 20 weeks or beyond regardless of birth outcome. Multiple fetuses still equal one para count.

How to properly chart a miscarriage
The first step in charting a miscarriage is to open up the client record and navigate to the Labor & Delivery->Newborn tab. From there the "outcome" field should be set to "Miscarriage". This will cause the client record thumbnail on the Home screen to clearly indicate that this client is a miscarriage so as to avoid any potential miscommunication from another midwife or staff member. It is recommended to keep this client record active until the miscarriage has run its course. Any follow up postpartum visits should be charted under the Postpartum tab. Then the client record can be inactivated by pressing the trash icon from the Summary or Basic tabs and choosing "Inactivate".

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