Everything it does...

Visit our new HOW TO page to learn how to create document templates, send client invoices, handle repeat clients, superbills and much more!

Client List

Below is the login and home screen of Mobile Midwife EHR. You can login to your practice from ANY iPad, iPhone or Mac. The first time you login you must have a Wi-Fi connection. Thereafter no Wi-Fi connection is needed to use the app.

From here you can see all of your clients in the Pregnant and Postpartum tabs. Primary Care and Lactation client list tabs will also be visible if enabled in Settings.

Click here for a legend of what the different labels mean on the client profile pic.

Basic Information

Clients will be able to visit the client portal from any device to create their client record and sign your consent forms. Alternatively you create the record yourself and even hand them your device. After the client is directed to take their picture they will fill out their basic information as seen in this picture (Click the picture to enlarge it). Once they are done they tap the "Next Step" button.

Current Pregnancy

Now the client will fill out information about their current pregnancy and their gynecological history.

Note, when adding a new client the toolbar will show "Step 1 of 5", "Step 2 of 5" and so on. As the client fills out the forms they will press the "Next Step" button at the bottom of each screen until they finish signing all of your consent forms at the end of the process.

Past Pregnancies

This is where past pregnancies are entered. The client's GTPAL that is shown elsewhere is derived from this information.

Health History

Here the client will fill out their family and personal health history, medications, allergies, surgeries, life style details and Gyn history. Keep in mind you use the Customize Forms feature to add or remove any fields you like.

Gynecological History

This is the rest of the Health form. Note, the Mobile Midwife forms are very interactive and there are many fields you do not see that only appear when other selections are made.


Now the client will be presented with a confirmation page where they will review all the information they entered and sign.

After signed, a copy of this summary page with the client's signature will be saved as a PDF and attached to this client record.


All email messages between you and your client are all recorded under their record in a secure HIPAA compliant manner. You can reply via the Messages tab or by email. You can include multiple recepients and attach documents or images.

Message Templates

Message Templates save you from having to type the same messages again and again. They can also autopopluate information from various parts of the client chart. Messages Templates can also be created to auto-send at various ages of gestation or postpartum. They can also include document attachments.

Watch the Messages video tutorial in the HOW-TO section here.


Chat is our instant messaging feature that lets you communicate in real time with your clients. Providers use the Chat tab and clients respond through the Chat tab in the client portal or by text. You will receive Apple notifications on your iPhone, iPad and Mac when Chat messages are received.

If a client attempts to send a Chat during your configured night time hours they will be asked if it is Urgent. This can give you back many hours of sleep every month. The Chat conversation is all secure under their chart and can be exported as well.

Document Signing

This is the last step of the sign up process. With this feature your practice can finally go totally paperless! The patient will write their signature on your documents on the iPad itself using their finger or a stylus.

You can import any PDF you like into Mobile Midwife EHR as a template. You then drop check boxes, text boxes, signature and initial boxes in all applicable areas on the PDF document. Then anytime you create a new client, an instance of these documents will show up under their Documents tab as ready to sign.

Document Templates

Mobile Midwife comes with eight generic consent forms. However you can import any document of your own choosing and make it interactive with check boxes, text boxes and signature boxes.

There are many ways to import a document. Most users however email the PDF to themselves and then open that email on their iPad. Then press on the attachment and chose to open it in Mobile Midwife. Then press "Add Document" on the toolbar from the Documents tab and touch the file that was just exported to Mobile Midwife.

Creating a Template

Once a document is imported you can began dropping text boxes, check boxes and signature boxes anywhere to make the document interactive. Text boxes can be configured to auto-populate from almost any part of the client chart such as the EDD, DOB or Health Hx.

Set the document to be a "Standard Document" and place it in the "Pregnant Client" category to have it automatically be added to each new client record during the sign up process.

Watch the Document Template video tutorial in the HOW-TO section here.

Siri and AI

Say "Siri, MM Labor Crowned" to chart that baby's head crowned or "Siri, MM Labor Body" to chart baby's body was born. Our Siri commands cover everything from FHTs to Resuscitation. Watch our video here.

Use our Artificial Intelligence feature to listen to your Prenatal, generate a transcription and then create a Prenatal record with SOAP notes. All the individual fields of the Prenatal will be populated such as blood pressure, temp, FHR, the entire physical exam and everything else.


From the Prenatals tab you can record prenatal visits. This includes inputting their vitals, measurements, lab work, internal exam info, physical exam, comments and more.

Note : Tapping the Show Details button will show all of the details for each prenatal visit instead of just the basic vitals.

Adding a Prenatal

When adding a prenatal you can choose to chart with SOAP or without SOAP.

Prenatal - Subject & Objective

If "Yes" is pressed in the "had pregnancy symptoms" field then additional fields will appear so you can capture which symptoms the client experienced.

Note, when viewing the Prenatal later in "show details" mode or printing, only fields that have been answered will appear. This makes your charting easier to read and more professional looking.

In SOAP charting the "Subjective" section is where you gather feedback from the patient. The "Objective" section is where you gather your own information by capturing vitals and performing exams and so on. The "Assessment" section is where you document your diagnoses and the "Plan" section is where you document your prognoses or plan of care.

Prenatal - Physical exam

Choose the default or clinicial when charting a physical exam. Also shown here is the Pelvimetry and Internal exams

Prenatal - Diagnoses Codes

This screenshot shows what happens when a search is performed in the diagnoses code popup. The second screenshot shows how the diagnoses codes are captured in the Prenatal Visit form after various diagnoses codes are chosen from the popup.

Prenatal CPT Codes

This screenshot show the Procedure Code popup that displays ALL the CPT codes and works in the same way as the diagnoses codes popup.

Prenatal Reminders

Pressing the reminder icon will cause the reminders to display. This features is different from the tasks feature because it is a static list that is the same for every client. This static list is configurable under the Settings->Reminders tab.

If a prenatal or postpartum visit is being edited and a reminder item is checked off then that reminder item will be recorded under that visit. As a reminder item is tapped multiple times it will cycle through 4 different status. They are Performed, Discussed, Declined and N/A.

Customizing Reminders

The reminders feature described earlier can be customized here in the Settings->Prenatal Reminders tab.

Set a reminder to required by a specific gestational age. A red tag will appear in the client list on the clients that have past due reminders with the first two letters of the reminder.


Mobile Midwife has an internal calendar to handle all your appointments and will also send appointment reminders by email and text.

The calendar shows all appointments scheduled on the internal calendar and appointments that are on external calendars such as Google and Yahoo.

Since Mobile Midwife is and app and not a website it could be designed to take advantage of every pixel on the screen on the iPhone, iPad and Mac. Notice how well the day and week views appear in the provided screenshots.

Appointment scheduling

You can schedule appointments on the internal or external calendars while in a prenatal visit. You can add all of your external calendars by going to the iPad settings app and then to Calendar->Accounts->Add Account.

Watch our calendar video tutorial in our HOW-TO section click here.

Contacts Integration

Press the phone icon to add a client to your iCloud, Google, Yahoo or Hotmail contact list. Mobile Midwife populates the contact record with the client's photo, phone numbers, EDD, email, address, partner name and more!

Choose "Map Client" and their home address will be located using Google maps.

Lab Results

Recording lab results is easy and flexible especially now that we integrate with Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp, CPL, BioReference, Interpath, RML and more! We also have integrated lab ordering with Labcorp and Quest. Abnormal lab results will automatically show up under the Client Core Information that appears at the top of most screens.

The screenshot here shows all of the various results that can be entered. The "other lab results" section can be used to record any lab result. The attached documents section can be used to attach the actual lab results documents. Any PDF can be imported into Mobile Midwife and attached to a client record.

If you would like your Mobile Midwife account to integrate with your lab company then contact your lab representative and request integration with your Mobile Midwife account. Lab integration can save you many hours a week and can improve the integrity of your charting by reducing human error. Never get caught again during a hospital transfer without knowing where your labs are. With Mobile Midwife lab integration, your lab results will automatically and seemlessly flow into your account under the appropriate client record. An email will be sent to you when new lab results are received so you can know to login and and view that client's record.

Labor - Admissions

The Admissions tab is the first tab under the Labor & Delivery section of Mobile Midwife. This tab is used to chart admissions and discharging of clients. It is also used to measure the length of labor which is displayed in the birth summary tab.

Labor Flow

After admitting the mom under the Admissions tab you can tap on the Labor tab and begin charting their labor.

Use the "configure alarm" feature to make your iPad vibrate when it's time to check vitals.

Adding a Labor Flow entry

To add a new labor flow entry, press the "add labor flow" button on the toolbar. The Labor Flow form shown in this screenshot completely changes based on what "labor status" option is selected. The screenshots here show what the form looks like for the "active" and "delivered" status options. There are five different status options that can be chosen which include "1st Stage - Early", "1st Stage - Active", "Membranes Rup.", "2nd Stage" and "Delivered".

FHT Graphing

Use our FHT graphing feature to easily and accurately graph FHTs.

Newborn details & Resuscitation

Once baby is born the newborn tab is used to enter APGARS and the newborn exam. Also pictured here is the Resuscitation feature with large quick buttons to make it easy to use.

Notice the IPP timers and quick buttons stick to the top so that they never scroll off the screen.

Newborn Exam

This screen is where the newborn exam is documented. There is a basic, clinical and extended NBE. This screenshot shows the Basic and Extended.

Immediate Postpartum

Once baby is born and APGARS charted in the Newborn tab the IPP tab will be used to chart the remaining birth events.

The Hemorrhage Checklist is simple and quick to use.

Birth Summary

This is the tab that brings together all of the key points of the birth. Everything on this screen including the labor duration summary section is automatically populated for you based on all the previous entries made in the Admissions, Labor, Newborn and IPP tabs.

Postpartum Tab

The Postpartum tab has a flow chart for Mom and Baby. Growth percentiles are calculated and graphed as well.

Adding Maternal Postpartum Visit

The postpartum visit form operates in much the same way as the prenatal visit form does. You can choose to chart using the SOAP methodology or keep things short and sweet.

The visit location field allows you to choose from Home, Birth Center, Office, Hospital, Phone, Email, Text or Other.

For more information on how the diagnoses and procedure codes and completed reminders work please read about the Prenatals feature above.

Printing, Faxing and Emailing Client Records

Press the share button on the toolbar to export a chart. You can send records via the Mail or Messages feature. The Messages feature uses the Mobile Midwife built-in email tool. The Mail feature users your email as configured on your device.

The Export Data form allows any part of the client record to be exported. Press "advanced mode" to choose from even more granular options.

Optionally you can enter a password in the "password protect PDF" field and then contact the intended recipient in a separate email or text and provide them the password.

Professional Print Out

This screenshot shows how professional your exported client record will look. It includes a page header and footer and well formated body content that Mobile Midwife arranges specially just for printing. The header includes your practice name, patient name, EDD or delivery date, client record number (although not shown in this screenshot), and page number.

Note, any comments you place in [brackets] will not be included in these exports. Take advantage of this feature when typing comments that are too personal to share with other doctors for consults or transfers.

View sample export here!

Import Documents Feature

Any PDF or image can be imported into Mobile Midwife under the Templates tab or under a client's Document tab or attached to a Prenatal, Lab entry or any part of the chart. Importing a document into the Documents tab is very useful for importing labs, ultrasounds, charts from another care provider and so on. Pictures can also be imported from Photos or be taken directly from the Mobile Midwife app.

There are many ways to import a document. A PDF can be opened into Mobile Midwife app from any file sharing app such as the Files app or Dropbox. Most users however email the PDF to themselves and then open that email on their iPad. Then press on the attachment and chose to open it in Mobile Midwife. Then press "Add Document" on the toolbar from within the Documents tab and touch the file that was just exported to Mobile Midwife.

Tasks Feature

Want to be sure you don't forget to draw labs at your next appointment, or to speak with your client about an important issue at the next visit? The Tasks feature can give you peace of mind by helping you never forget important tasks.

Create a task and assign it to yourself or a staff member. Have it displayed in the Core Client Information box and also have it popup whenever you open the client record or even a specific tab such as the prenatal tab. The task will follow a workflow such as New, In Progress, Waiting for Sign Off and Completed. All outstanding tasks can be view at the client level or practice level for ALL clients.

An email and Apple notification will be sent when the task is created and when it is past due to the assignee.


Notes are like tasks without a due date or workflow. Notes are great for placing important bits of information such as who the client's doula or IBCLC is, or what birth preferences they may have such as "Dad must cut cord". The "show as popup in" field can be set to IPP, if you want the note to popup when you open the IPP tab. Notes can also be used for logging text messages, emails or phone conversations.

Client Billing

The billing tab tracks charges and payments or adjustments to charges specifically.

Client Invoicing and Payment Plans

Generate a professional invoice. You can also configure invoices to be emailed to your client on a periodic basis. Also, charge credit cards and ACH with our PaySimple integration. Payment plans are also easy to setup so you can automatically bill your client's card on a periodic basis.

View all client balances and tasks

The practice-level Billing tab shows all clients with a balance. Past due payments are highlighted in red.

The practice-level Tasks tab shows all outstanding tasks, who they are assigned to, status and more.

Insurance claims

Create and submit insurance claims to insurance companies either electronically or by paper. You can also check eligibility with our new electronic eligibility check tool.

Mobile Midwife will generate both professional and institutional claims and print or electronically submit them. Easily copy billing codes from a visit record and print and mail the claim for reimbursement.

Mobile Midwife prints onto they industry standard CMS-1500 or UB-04 paper that can be ordered from anywhere. Place it in the mail and wait for the checks to come back from the insurance company. Record payments, appeals and denials in Mobile Midwife and keep track of insurance balances.

Medications & Allergies

The medications tab is used to keep track of a client's medications. After a client enters their medications and allergies in the Client Info->Health tab, they automatically get copied to this screen. Medications can be managed in great detail here as each record has a detailed comments section, discontinued on, prescribed on, prescribed by, dosage details field and more. A clients active medications and allergies are also listed in the "Core Client Information" box.

Problem management

With so many areas on the client intake forms that a client can indicate a problem, it would be hard to constantly refer back to all those forms to find out what gyn, health or pregnancy problems your client reported having. The Problems tab is a centralized location where all client problems/issues are managed by the Midwife. After the client fills out their initial intake forms under the "Client Info" tab, all of their problems from the various sections are copied to this Problems tab. Thereafter any new problems that arise or any existing problems that change or become resolved will be updated here by the Midwife. Also, if the client comes back in the office even an year later and adds some new problems under the Client Info section, then those new problems will also get copied here.

Just like with Medications, Problems are also listed in the "Core Client Information" box.

Charting Ultrasounds

The Ultrasounds tab operates much in the same way as the Labs tab. Fields are provided for the most important fields and the Ultrasound can be attached to the record so you can reference all the results by simply tapping on the thumbnail(s).

Managing Users

All Mobile Midwife plans come with at least 3 user accounts. This is because we encourage Midwives to use separate accounts for their students and assistants. Doing so makes it easier to track who charted which records. Users can be added, edited or inactivated using this tab. Passwords can be changed and privileges can be modified also.

Account settings

Account settings are modified here. The default calendar can be set, and many other options can be modified to change how the forms look and what fields appear. Mobile Midwife can even be configured to support Male clients, if you practice also happens to offer primary care services.

Data security and synchronization

Mobile Midwife automatically synchronizes your data with the Mobile Midwife cloud and other Apple devices in your practice every five minutes when a Wi-Fi connection is available. This feature also serves as a data backup service. If your device is lost, stolen or falls in a birth tub without a waterproof case then you can easily login from any other iPad. You can even borrow your client's iPad if they have one, download the free Mobile Midwife app from the appstore and login to your practice.

Lactation Client Feature

Choosing "Add Lactation Client" will present you with a whole different set of forms and features made just for clients you provide lactation consultation services to. If a client is already in Mobile Midwife as a Postpartum client then it would be more advantageous to use our "Add Lactation Visit" feature under the Visits tab rather than create a completely new record for the client.

The client intake is completely different and taylored for lactation clients. The Lactation Visits are also robust and uniquely designed by IBCLCs. They include an infant exam, maternal exam and feeding exam. They also have sections for client concerns, ROS and more. Our other app, Mobile Lactation Consultant, is used by thousands of IBCLCs all around the world. It is this design that is integrated into the Mobile Midwife lactation client feature.

Gynecological & Primary Care

The Visits tab supports Gynecological, Primary Care, Preconceptional and any other visit. Mobile Midwife can even be configured to support Male clients by setting "Include support for male clients" in the Settings->Account tab.

SOAP charting

The Visit form support SOAP charting and has a robust ROS (Review of Systems) and exams feature. The Subjective section also provides support for PMH (medical history) and the clients chief complaint.

Exams and CPT coding

Full support for ICD10 and CPT coding and a reminder system separate from the Prenatal or Lactation reminders is also available. The consent form document templates for Primary care clients are also separate from the Prenatal and Lactation clients.

Client Portal

Mobile Midwife has an Android, iPhone and web-based cient portal. Every practice has its own unique URL that new clients can go to and fill out their paper work prior to the first in-person visit. The system detects what device the client is using and directs them to the appropriate client portal.

Once the client completes their chart and signs your consent forms their record will automatically appear on your device and you will receive an email notification. They can also use the Chat tab in the iPhone/Android portal to communicate with you.

Watch the client portal video tutorial in the HOW-TO section here.

Add or Remove fields anywhere!

Mobile Midwife is the only EHR in the midwifery field that lets you add or remove fields from any area of the client chart. No EHR can be a "one size fits all" package. That is why we designed Mobile Midwife from the ground up to be customizable to fit anyones needs.

For instance, add a text field that asks how long they have been married if they choose "married" for their marital status.

Watch the customize forms video tutorial in the HOW-TO section here.

Signing Off Charts & Change History